Mammography referral patterns among Rhode Island physicians.

: In 1987, the Rhode Island Department of Health conducted a survey of Rhode Island primary care physicians to determine their attitudes and practices regarding breast cancer screening, particularly their use of clinical breast exam (CBE) and referral for screening mammography, and compared the data with information obtained from primary care physicians in the US in 1984 and 1989. The survey showed that the same percentage of Rhode Island physicians (71%) and physicians nationally (72%) agree with American Cancer Society (ACS) guidelines for breast cancer screening, but Rhode Island physicians refer for mammography (43 vs 37%) and perform CBE (97 vs 80%) according to ACS guidelines more frequently. Cost, reliability and availability were of greater concern to physicians nationally than in Rhode Island. Despite better use of breast cancer screening by Rhode Island physicians, only 43% reported referring for mammography according to guidelines. Since studies indicate that the recommendation of her physician is a key determinant of a woman's decision to have a screening mammogram, physician referral needs to increase in order to meet the Year 2000 Objectives of 80% for screening mammography for women 40 and older.
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