Influence of the hydrothermal treatment on the chromatographic properties of monolithic silica capillaries for nano-liquid chromatography or capillary electrochromatography

Abstract In the last decade, silica monolithic capillaries have focused more and more attention on miniaturized separation techniques like capillary electrochromatography (CEC), nano-liquid chromatography (nano-LC) and chip electrochromatography owing to their unique chromatographic properties and their simplified preparation compared with packed columns. They are synthesized according to a sol–gel multi-step process that includes, after a gelation step at 40 °C leading to the formation of the macropores network and the silica skeleton, a post-gelation step (hydrothermal treatment at 120 °C in basic medium) that allows to tailor the mesopores and finally a calcination or a washing step to remove remaining polymers. In order to reduce the synthesis time, the number of synthesis steps and above all the temperature synthesis, to adapt the synthesis of such silica monoliths in polymeric microsystem devices, we extensively studied the influence of the hydrothermal treatment and its duration on textural (pore size distribution) and chromatographic properties (retention, efficiency) of in situ -synthesized capillary monoliths in nano-LC and CEC. This study was performed on pure silica and octyl chains grafted silica monoliths. Untreated monoliths show small pores (
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