État des Lieux de la Réglementation de l’Usage des Agents Antimicrobiens en Élevage Laitier au Cameroun

RESUME Dans le but de mettre en evidence les textes qui reglementent l’usage des antimicrobiens en elevage au Cameroun, une etude a ete realisee entre mars et avril 2017 aupres de : l’Agence des Normes et de la Qualite du Cameroun (ANOR), la Direction des Services Veterinaires (DSV) et l’Ordre National des Veterinaires du Cameroun. Ainsi, 3 textes (une loi, un decret et un arrete), disponibles sur le medicament veterinaire ont ete compares aux normes du Code terrestre (2016) en ce qui concerne l’usage des agents antimicrobiens (Titre 6). Il en ressort qu’il n’existe au Cameroun aucun cadre reglementaire consacre aux agents antimicrobiens. Cependant, il a ete releve aupres de l’ANOR des normes non obligatoires qui pourraient servir de levier pour l’elaboration de textes reglementaires sur l’usage des agents antimicrobiens. ABSTRACT In order to highlight the texts that regulate the use of antimicrobials in livestock farming in Cameroon, a study was conducted between March and April 2017 at: the National Agency for Standards and Quality of Cameroon (ANOR), the Directorate of Veterinary Services (DSV) and the National Order of Veterinarians of Cameroon. Thus, dispositions related to antimicrobials use in livestock of 3 existing texts (a Law, a Decree and an Act)available on veterinary medicinal products, were compared to the Terrestrial Code (2016), as reference standards regarding the use of antimicrobial agents (Title 6). Our findings revealed that, no regulatory framework exist in Cameroon for antimicrobial agents used for veterinary medicine. More over, non-mandatory ANOR standards were identified to serve as leverage, for the development of regulatory texts on antimicrobial agents use in livestock.
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