The effect of medical social and social economic factors on development of disability in children

The trends in economic situation requires periodic repetition of studies concerning qualitative evaluation of impact of medical, social and economic factors on population health at the regional level. The purpose of the study is to establish the relationship between the disability of children and the main medical, social and socioeconomic indices in the Russian Federation. The materials and methods. The official data on prevalence of disability in children of 0-17 years and the level of basic medical, social and socioeconomic indices were analyzed in the context of 83 subjects of the Russian Federation in 2017-2019. The demographic and epidemiological data and data on medical care support of children population were used as medical and social indices. The socioeconomic indices (unemployment rate, cash income, housing conditions and consumption of basic food products were used as the socioeconomic indices. The Spearman rank correlation method was used to determine the particular relationships. The results. It was established that the significant inter-regional variability of disability of children both in the Federal Okrugs and the subjects of The Russian Federation persists. The relationship of various degrees of intensity between the prevalence of disability of children in the subjects of the Russian Federation and many medical, social and socioeconomic factors such as demographic indices (fertility, mortality); level of primary and total morbidity of children of all age groups; medical care support (medical personnel, pediatric beds); unemployment level; average per capita cash income; percentage of population with cash incomes below cost of living; total area of residential premises that is on average per inhabitant; share of young families registered as needing housing from total number of families with children aged under 18 years; consumption of cheaper food. The conclusion. The obtained results are to be taken into account in the development of programs of preventing disability of children avoiding to place full responsibility on the health care system only.
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