Implementasi Pangkat, Tingkat Pendidikan, Jam Kerja, Jabatan, Dan Tipe Polsek Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Pendapatan Anggota Polri (Studi Kasus Di Tujuh Belas Polsek Di Polres Simalungun) [IMPLEMENTATION RANK, LEVEL OF EDUCATION, WORKING HOURS, POSITION, AND POLSEK TYPE TO INCREASE REVENUE POLICE (CASE STUDY IN THE SEVENTEEN POLSEK IN POLRES Simalungun)]

This research was motivated by the reality that the salary received by the police does not guarantee a life expectancy that is authoritative, because salaries and all allowances Police confirmed only the stomach. Though in theory states that if the rank rises, the level of higher education, many working hours, high office, and the type of special police station will have a positive impact on efforts to increase revenue. Therefore, to prove it is necessary to test using a statistical approach. Total respondents 396 people using a questionnaire for collection of data used, and the use of SPSS version 18.0, it is expected that this study can provide the answer to the question whether the rank, level of education, hours of work, position, and type of effect on income Police Police members. From the results, it can prove that rank, education level, occupation and type Polsek significant effect on earnings with each t value 3.924 and highly significant (Sig. 0,000), -4.300 and 0.000 Sig, Sig 2.123 and 0.035, and 2.655 and Sig. 0.009. While variable working hours has no effect in increasing revenue. But simultaneously, the five variables influence in an effort to increase revenues members of the Police.
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