Use of Simulation Modeling to Evaluate Management Strategies for Reintroduced Riparian Brush Rabbits in California

Abstract The riparian brush rabbit Sylvilagus bachmani riparius is restricted to areas of dense cover along rivers and tributaries in the Central Valley of California, USA, and is considered endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. An approved recovery plan for this subspecies recommended establishment of three additional self-sustaining populations within its historical range. Concurrent with habitat restoration efforts that included revegetation of levees and provision of flood refugia, we reintroduced 325 captive-bred individuals to the San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge between July 2002 and July 2005, and monitored their survival with radiotelemetry. Using available survival estimates and estimated reproductive parameters, we developed a population viability analysis model to determine the risk of extinction of the reintroduced population under a series of alternate scenarios including different release strategies. All model scenarios resulted in high probabilities of extinction over...
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