Low haemoglobin levels increase unilateral spatial neglect in acute phase of stroke Níveis baixos de hemoglobina aumentam a negligência espacial unilateral na fase aguda do acidente vascular cerebral
ABSTRACTObjective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between unilateral spatial neglect (USN) and haemoglobin (Hb) levelin acute phase of stroke. Method: Cross-sectional study was performed after right hemisphere ischemic stroke. Independent variable: Hblevel (mg/dL); Outcome: USN; Potential confounding factors: Age, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS), and glycaemia(mg/dL); Characterization variables were obtained from electronic medical records, Hb, mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and glycaemia bylaboratory exams, and USN by cancellation and bisection tasks. The relationship between Hb and USN was assessed by Spearmancorrelation and linear regression model. Results: 40 individuals were evaluated; it was observed that the higher the Hb level, the better theUSN test performance, with the two being negatively correlated. There was no significant correlation between VCM level and USNperformance. Conclusion: Low hemoglobin levels may indicate a worse performance in USN cancellation and bissection tests in acutephase of stroke.Keywords: stroke, perceptual disorders, haemoglobins.RESUMOObjetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a relacao entre a negligencia espacial unilateral (NEU) e hemoglobina (Hb) na fase aguda doacidente vascular cerebral (AVC). Metodo: Foi realizado estudo transversal em pacientes com AVC de hemisferio direito dentro dasprimeiras 48 horas do ictus. Variaveis independentes: nivel de Hb (mg/dL); Desfecho: NEU; Fatores potenciais de confundimento: Idade,National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) e glicemia (mg/dL); A caracterizacao das variaveis foram obtidas por meio de prontuarioseletronicos, Hb e glicemia por exames laboratoriais, e NEU por meio do Line Cancellation (LCT), Star Cancelation (SCT), e Line BisectionTasks (LBT). Resultados: 40 individuos foram avaliados e foiobservado que quanto maioros niveis de Hb, melhoro desempenho nos testesde NEU, demonstrando correlacao negativa entre eles. Conclusao: Niveis baixos de hemoglobina podem indicar pior desempenho nostestes de NEU na fase aguda do AVC.Palavras-chave: acidente vascular cerebral, transtornos da percepcao, hemoglobinas.
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