Timber tree collection of an Acre forest under community management.

The evaluation of forest composition is a very important stage of forest management. This evaluation is done through forest inventories. The objective of this work is to present the results of a 100% forest inventory make in areas of forest exploitation of small farmers under logging management, located in the municipality of Senador Guiomard, in the state of Acre, in the Brazilian Amazon. The inventoried area (206.8 ha), in which all the trees with DBH  50.0 cm were measured, revealed a total number of trees (NT) of 3,518, abundance (AB) of 17.01 trees ha-1, total volume (VT) of 21,667.41 m3, volume per hectare (V) of 104.77 m3 ha-1, total basal area (ABsT) of 1,413.77 m2 and basal area per hectare (ABs) of 6.84 m2 ha-1. A total of 204 species belonging to 136 genera and 43 botanical families were recognized in the field. The five species of highest Index of Importance of Species (IND) were: Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa Bonpl.), Tauari (Couratari macrosperma A.C. Sm.), Cumaru-cetim (Apuleia molaris Spruce ex Benth.), Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex A. Juss.) Mull. Arg.) and Cumaru-ferro (Dipteryx odorata (Aubl.) Willd.). The sum of the IND of these five represents a third (33.6%) of the total IND (all species). Most of the 20 species with the highest IND are loggers of commercial use and represents for about 60% of the total IND. This study showed a significant concentration of the dendrometric elements, that is, few species unit most of the adult trees and, consequently, most of the timber volume. Entre as etapas fundamentais do manejo florestal esta a avaliacao da composicao da floresta. Essa avaliacao e feita por meio de inventarios florestais. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar resultados de um inventario florestal a 100% realizado em talhoes de colheita de pequenas areas sob manejo florestal madeireiro, localizadas em Senador Guiomard-AC. A area inventariada, de 206,8 ha, em que foram abordadas todas as arvores com DAP  50,0 cm, revelou um numero total de arvores (NT) de 3.518, abundância (AB) de 17,01 arvores ha-1, volume total (VT) de 21.667,41 m3, volume por hectare (V) de 104,77 m3 ha-1, area basal total (ABsT) de 1.413,77 m2 e area basal por hectare (ABs) de 6,84 m2 ha-1. Foram reconhecidas 204 especies, pertencentes a 136 generos e a 43 familias botânicas. As cinco especies de maior Indice de Importância da Especie (IND) foram: Castanheira (Bertholletia excelsa Bonpl.), Tauari (Couratari macrosperma A.C. Sm.), Cumaru-cetim (Apuleia molaris Spruce ex Benth.), Seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex A. Juss.) Mull. Arg.) e Cumaru-ferro (Dipteryx odorata (Aubl.) Willd.). Estas cinco especies representaram um terco (33,6%) do IND total. A maioria das 20 especies com maior IND sao madeireiras de uso comercial e responderam por cerca de 60% do IND total. Os resultados mostraram expressiva concentracao dos elementos dendrometricos, ou seja, poucas especies reunem a maior parte das arvores adultas e, consequentemente, a maior parte do volume madeireiro.
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