La competencia escrita de alumnos de programas bilingües y no bilingües de educación secundaria

espanolResumen: Esta investigacion se centra en el analisis de la produccion escrita de tres grupos de estudiantes de 4o de educacion secundaria (16 anos) que han seguido el programa bilingue andaluz de Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras (AICLE) en comparacion con otros tres grupos, de la misma ciudad y del mismo nivel, que han cursado los estudios en la lengua materna (espanol) y la segunda (ingles) como asignatura curricular. Los resultados muestran que la puntuacion media de los textos escritos en lengua inglesa por los alumnos de AICLE supera la de ingles como lengua extranjera en mas de tres puntos en una escala de 0 a 10 y que el alumnado de esta ultima recurre mas a la lengua materna para resolver su falta de competencia en la segunda lengua y se ve mas afectado por las interferencias de la materna que los del colectivo AICLE. EnglishAbstract: This study focuses on the written production of three groups of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) students in the fourth year of secondary school (sixteen-year-olds), compared with the written production of three groups of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students. All of the groups are from the same city and are enrolled in the same academic level. The CLIL groups have followed Andalusia’s bilingual program of Integrated Learning of Content and Foreign Languages (AICLE), while the EFL students have taken their secondary school subjects in their native language (Spanish) and have studied English as a separate subject in the curriculum. The results show that the average evaluation of the CLIL students’ written production in English is more than three points higher (on a scale from zero to ten) than the EFL students’ average score. In addition, the EFL students turn more to their native language to handle their lack of competence in English, and are more affected than the CLIL students by interference from their native language.
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