Neanderthal land-use and related tool-kits at MIS 5/4 boundary on the South-East border of the Massif Central

Located on the southeastern border of the Massif Central at different altitudes, the rock-shelters of Baume-Vallee, Les Pecheurs and Le Maras yield sequences dated back to end of MIS 5/ beginning of MIS4. Baume-Vallee is located in the upstream part of the gorges of the Loire River. Les Pecheurs is located in the Chassezac River gorges, a tributary of the Ardeche River, away from the Rhone Valley while Le Maras is close to the Rhone corridor. New excavations and detailed analysis on these three sites offer data on subsistence behaviours i.e. raw material gathering, lithic reduction sequences or hunted species and carcasses treatment. Evidences of common strategies permit us to discuss on the Neanderthal land-use patterns within Middle Mountain areas and the lower plateaus bordering the Rhone corridor. Discussion on human mobility, territory size, influence of topography and availability of raw materials will be taken in account in order to describe the landscapes perception and use at the end of Last Interglacial and beginning of the Last Glacial period.
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