Pengaruh Modernisasi Dalam Pelaksanaan Pesta Perkawinan Pada Masyarakat Batak Toba Di Desa Sipultak Rurajulu Kecamatan Pagaran Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara

Target of this research is to know influence modernize in wedding ceremony execution at Batak Toba society in Countryside Sipultak Rurajulu District of Pagaran Sub-Province Tapanuli North. As for used method in this research is quantitative descriptive research method. used Technique data collecting in this research is observation, interview and enquette. This research is [done/conducted by in Countryside Sipultak Rurajulu District of Pagaran Sub-Province Tapanuli North with population which is berumahtangga is 300 KK. Sampel Research determined equal to 10% from amount of population namely 30 KK. From result of data analysis and calculation can be known that r_hitung ( rh) equal to 0, 683 while r_tabel ( rt) equal to 0, 361 thereby r_h price > r_t that is 0, 683 > 0, 361 so that X correlation coefficient to Y is signifikan. For the examination of hypothesis used by test t. From result of calculation obtained by t_(hitung )> t_tabel namely 4, 927 > 2, 048. Pursuant to result of examination hence Ho refused and Is ha accepted. From result of linear regression analysis yield positive Y so that there is influence which is signifikan modernize in execution wedding ceremony of Batak Toba society in Countryside Sipultak Rurajulu
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