AAP activities in border and Indian health.

Sir .—We thank Drs Bustamante 1 and DiNicola 2 for calling attention to two very important areas of child health, United States—Mexico border health and Native American health. Disenchantment and frustration are expressed in both letters. In an effort to provide some encouragement to those deeply committed to the health care of these two underserved populations, we draw attention to the achievements and activities of the American Academy of Pediatric's (AAP's) Committee on Community Health Services. Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the AAP's United States—Mexico Border Health Initiative studied maternal and child health problems in the border region. The project brought together practitioners and governmental officials on both sides of the border to define problems and to work together in formulating solutions. Research aspects of the project addressed the border population, health utilization and resources, patterns and trends in natality, communicable diseases, and patterns of mortality. Since
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