A Human Lymphoid Progenitor Capable of Circulating and Seeding the Thymus.

Identification of a thymus-seeding progenitor originating from human bone marrow constitutes a key milestone in understanding and correcting defects in T-cell development. Here, we report the characterization of a novel human bone marrow lymphoid-restricted subpopulation which is part of the lineage-negative CD34+CD10+ progenitor population and which can be distinguished from B-cell-committed precursors by the absence of CD24 expression. We demonstrated that these Lin-CD34+CD10+CD24- progenitors lack myeloid and erythroid potential but can generate B, T and NK lymphocytes following culture on MS5 or OP9-hDelta1 stroma. The gene expression profile of this population, analyzed by a multiplex RT-PCR assay, revealed co-expression of RAG1, TdT, PAX5, CD3e and IL-7Rα. These progenitors are not only present in the bone marrow but also in the blood throughout life, suggesting an ability to circulate. Moreover we showed that the Lin-CD34+CD10+CD24- cells also correspond to the most immature population of the thymus which gives rise to Lin-CD34+CD7+ T-cell precursors. Taken as a whole these findings unravel for the first time the existence of a postnatal lymphoid-restricted population which is capable of migrating from the bone marrow to the thymus.
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