Mosquepreneur: Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Umat Berbasis Masjid Sebagai Upaya Membangun Ketahanan Ekonomi Umat Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19

minds and than when they met elsewhere. In today's reality, the function of mosques today isonly limited to places of worship. This is far different from during the time of the ProphetMuhammad SAW, where the role of a mosque apart from being a place of worship is also had asupporting function in almost all aspects and activities of life and the state. Especially during apandemic, the potential of mosques, especially in terms of economic empowerment, can alsohelp the economic resilience of the people so that the welfare and health of the people ismaintained. The mosques economic activities have enormous potential because they havecongregations as a captive market. If economic activities are combined with the concept oftrading in the style of shopping centers that are in demand because of the affordable prices ofgoods, and managed professionally by the board of management / takmir, the mosque will beable to prosper its congregation. Therefore, the implementers of the activities felt it wasnecessary to conduct both mosque-based community economic empowerment training as aneffort to build community economic resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic
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