Kalp Anatomisinin Tarihsel Serüveni

Ozet Tip, insanlikla birlikte varligini surduren ve insan hayatinin vazgecilmez bir unsurudur. Tarih boyunca kalbin vucutta onemli bir fonksiyonu olduguna inanilmistir. Amacimiz, tarih boyunca vucutta onemli bir fonksiyonu oldugu inanilan kalbin tarihsel gelisimini, anatomik gelismeler acidan degerlendirmektir. Eski uygarliklarda damarlarda sadece kan degil ayni zamanda havanin oldugu kabul ediliyordu. Bu doneme ait eserlerde kalp atislarindan da bahsedilmektedir. Antik Yunan doneminde arterler ile venlerin farkli yapilar oldugu tespit edilmistir. Iskenderiye Tip Okulunda kalbin bir pompa gibi calistigindan, trikuspid kapak ve fonksiyonlarindan bahsedilmistir. Roma donemi bilginlerinden Galen yaptigi calismalar sonucunda kanin ventrikuller arasi bolmeden gecis yaptigini ileri surmustur. Bu gorus “otoriteye kosulsuz baglilik” dusuncesi nedeniyle, 17. yy’a kadar varligini devam ettirmistir. Ibn Sinâ, Galen’in halefi olarak kabul edilmistir. Ibn un-Nefis yaptigi arastirmalar sonucunda Galen ve Ibn Sina’nin aksine ventrikuller arasi bolmeden gecisin olmadigini belirtir. Ayrica Ibn un-Nefis 13. yy da kucuk pulmoner dolasimi kesfetmistir. 1500’lu yillardan itibaren kan dolasim sisteminden, koroner damarlardan, kalp kapakciklarindan ve kilcal damarlardan bahsedilmistir. Tarihsel surecte kalbin anatomik yapisi ve calisma sisteminin tespiti ilk calisma konulari olarak karsimiza cikmaktadir. Daha sonra ki surec kan gruplarinin tespitinden kalp naklinin gerceklestirilmesine kadar ki asamalari icermektedir. Abstract Medicine has existed with humanity and it is an indispensable element of human life. Throughout history, the heart has been believed to possess an important function in the body. Our aim historical development of the heart is evaluate in terms of the anatomical developments. In the ancient civilizations, it was demonstrated that there were both blood and the air in the vessels in the body. Moreover, the heart beats have been mentioned. In ancient Greece, it was identified that the arteries and veins had different functions. In Alexandria Medical School were discussed the tricuspid valve and its functions. According to Galen some blood from the right ventricle to the left ventricle transfers via pores found in the septum. This theory domiated Western medicine until 17th centruy due to “strict obedience to authority”. Avicenna, as the successor of Galen has been recognized. Ibn al-Nafis unlike Galen and Avicenna clearly described that blood came from the right heart to the lungs and mixed there with air and then returned to the left heart. Ibn al-Nafis discovery of pulmonary circulation in 13th centruy. In the historical process, the first study subject were about anatomical and physiological structures of the heart. Then the process have included all stages form determination of blood groups to a heart transplant.
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