Thyrotropin effects on ultraviolet radiation-dependent apoptosis in FRTL-5 cells.

Apoptosis plays an important role within the endocrine system, particularly in the thyroid gland, although little is known about its regulation in normal thyroids. Because thyrotropin (TSH) regulates many thyroid-specific functions and cell proliferation, we investigated whether TSH can influence such mechanisms. To induce apoptosis we used UV-C radiation. The FRTL-5 rat thyroid cell strain, a cloned strain of differentiated and untransformed cells that reproduces many of the characteristics of the normal thyroid was chosen for this study. The FRTL-5 cells are a particularly suitable model because they actively proliferate when cultured in the presence of TSH (6H medium), while in TSH-free medium (5H medium) cells remain in a physiologic quiescent state for a long period of time. FRTL-5 cells in both culture conditions were irradiated with UV-C radiation (254 nm wavelength). At 48 hours after radiation, 6H cultured cells showed the characteristic signs of apoptosis. However, 5H cultured cells did not pres...
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