Integrating IoT Monitoring for Security Operation Center.

A Security Operation Center (SOC) performs critical functions in alerting and taking defensive actions for computer security. As network infrastructures evolve with broader inclusion of IoT (Internet of Things) and ad hoc wireless connectivity, the SOC function takes on additional challenges and has a need for greater visibility of connected devices. In particular, SOCs must interpret different protocols that are used for IoT operation. As a result, SOCs need real-time accurate asset inventory with information of deployed IoT devices and their status. The quantity of IoT devices can significantly outnumber deployed PCs and servers, depending on the network. Responsibilities within the SOC are usually defined based on the network infrastructure in place, the size of the entity, the threat landscape, and the organizational strategy decided. This paper discusses the classification of attacks as it relates to SOC integration for IoT. A framework to improve monitoring and response with security orchestration and automation is presented.
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