A new Wilson line-based action for gluodynamics.

We perform a canonical transformation of fields that brings the Yang-Mills action in the light-cone gauge to a new classical action, which does not involve any triple-gluon vertices. The lowest order vertex is the four-point MHV vertex. Higher point vertices include the MHV and $\overline{\textrm{MHV}}$ vertices, that reduce to corresponding amplitudes in the on-shell limit. In general, any $n$-leg vertex has $2\leq m \leq n-2$ minus helicity legs. The canonical transformation of fields can be compactly expressed in terms of path-ordered exponentials of fields and their functional derivative. We apply the new action to compute several tree-level amplitudes, up to 8-point NNMHV amplitude, and find agreement with the standard methods. The absence of triple-gluon vertices results in fewer diagrams required to compute amplitudes, when compared to the CSW method and, obviously, considerably fewer than in the standard Yang-Mills action.
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