Aeroelastic Modelling of Highly Flexible Wings

This paper details five aeroelastic modelling methods applied to the study of an example high aspect ratio wing subject to high loads resulting in large structural deformations. Each method is discussed in turn and example static results from each are compared. Overall agreement is illustrated between the methods for key quantities of interest although aerodynamic modelling choices regarding the orientation of aero forces is observed to play a significant role in the agreement between predicted distributed loads and deflections. Quantitative differences resulting from linearisation of the wing model are also presented and discussed. It is found that by linearising the problem, wing deflection, aerodynamic forces and root bending are all over-estimated. Large differences are also observed between linear and nonlinear predictions of root twist, however the modelling of drag effects is deemed important to the exact nature of the observed discrepancy. Altogether, linearised assumptions are shown to have a noticeable impact on the accuracy of predicted results for the considered wing test case and are deemed unsuitable in isolation for the analysis of this class of flexible problem.
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