The range distributions of some Ungulate Mammals during the Dryas I (Recent Würm) in Aquitaine. Paleoecological implications

Abstract This paper concerns certain ungulate species represented in 19 archaeological sites from the Aquitaine region of southwestern France; twelve of these sites have radiocarbon dates of from 15500 to 13500 BP. Species of concern include: Cervus elaphus L., Rangifer tarandus L., Bison priscus Boj. , Saiga tatarica L., Capra ibex or (and) Capra pyrenaica Schinz , Rupicapra rupicapra L. and Equus caballus L. Palynological and sedimentological analyses carried out conjointly with faunal studies provide data on late Pleistocene climates in the region. These indicate that the observed associations among ungulate species occurred under the widespread cold and dry conditions of the Dryas I phase, the last period when typical Wurmian steppic vegetation was present over most of the Aquitaine. Examination of ungulate spatial distributions provides evidence for each species environmental requirements. Ecological tolerances are especially narrow for the Saiga Antelope and for the Bouquetin.
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