Three Dimensional Immuno-Localization of Green Fluorescent Protein Chimeras Using Rapid Freezing and Freeze-Substitution

All microscopy is limited by the quality of the specimen under study. Three-dimensional (3-D) visualization of antigen localization using the electron microscope (EM) is particularly challenging due to the need to maintain the activity of some epitopes while preserving cellular ultrastructure. We have used rapid freezing to immobilize all cellular constituents almost instantaneously. Freeze-substitution of the frozen samples was used to stabilize the specimen and to accomplish low-temperature dehydration, minimizing perturbation of cellular structure. We have found that high pressure freezing, double jet freezing and plunge freezing are all useful for achieving high quality structural preservation for some cell types or for particular applications. For immunolocalization, we have had most success freeze-substituting into acetone containing 0.2% glutaraldehyde and 0.1 % uranyl acetate. We have utilized low-temperature acrylic embedding resins, Lowicryl HM20 and LRGold, to further maintain structure and decrease protein insolubility. Both of these resins have proven suitable for cutting serial thin sections.
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