General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Binary Neutron Star Mergers with the APR4 Equation of State

We present new results of fully general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of binary neutron star (BNS) mergers performed with the Whisky code. All the models use a piecewise polytropic approximation of the APR4 equation of state for cold matter, together with a 'hybrid' part to incorporate thermal effects during the evolution. We consider both equal and unequal-mass models, with total masses such that either a supramassive NS or a black hole is formed after merger. Each model is evolved with and without a magnetic field initially confined to the stellar interior. We present the different gravitational wave (GW) signals as well as a detailed description of the matter dynamics (magnetic field evolution, ejected mass, post-merger remnant/disk properties). Our simulations provide new insights into BNS mergers, the associated GW emission and the possible connection with the engine of short gamma-ray bursts (both in the 'standard' and in the 'time-reversal' scenarios) and other electromagnetic counterparts.
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