Tactical Applications (TACAPPS) JavaScript Framework Investigation

Abstract : The Tactical Applications (TacApps) Development Team investigated several JavaScript frameworks to facilitate user interface (UI) development in the TacApps Program. Criteria for consideration included: the frequency of change in the JavaScript frameworks landscape, quality/ease of interaction with other libraries and frameworks, compatibility with Mission Command Data Service (MCDS) design paradigms, productivity, and overall compatibility with TacApps design philosophy. The frameworks explored were Angular JavaScript (AngularJS), jQuery UI, Meteor, Ember, React JavaScript (ReactJS) and Web Components. The team evaluated the benefits, issues and risks of each framework through literature search, comparative study, and actual prototyping. Ultimately, the team decided to move forward with ReactJS as the framework of choice. This is the framework used in the TacApps critical design review prototype demonstration. It is a view only framework that eliminates the excess capabilities of other frameworks based on the Model-View-Controller software architectural pattern. The ReactJS also interoperates well with MCDS and other frameworks and JavaScript libraries to provide a robust UI experience for the TacApps user.
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