Poldering between control and laissez faire: The example of harmonizing subsoil management and spatial planning

The purpose of this contribution is to look at different planning contexts into which decisions about subsoil engineering presently need to be integrated. There are many ways of doing as well as theorizing spatial planning; and planning practice is constantly changing. Next to that, soil legislation and management has become more important to adapt to climate change, the energy transition and foremost to (re-)develop cities with lower costs. In this contribution we try to provide descriptions of a status quo (2014) that identify key moments where in could be useful to integrate subsoil knowledge, technology and procedures in planning. In the first section, we define the field and identify the sources that provide the framework for the description of spatial planning in the Netherlands and Belgium. In the following sections we describe the main features for each country concerning guiding principles; main institutions; legal framework and planning documents. For every feature we make the connection to the subsoil management aspects. The final section provides an overview of the main differences and overlaps. This forms the basis for the conclusions on potential strategies for integrating subsoil decision-making with spatial planning. Polderen tussen regie en loslaten: De afstemming tussen bodembeheer en ruimtelijke planning als voorbeeld
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