Thermal conductivity standard reference materials from 4 to 300 K. I. Armco iron: Including apparatus description and error analysis

An apparatus for the measurement of thermal conductivity, electrical resistivity, and thermopower of solids from 4 to 300 K is described. This apparatus, a modified version of the one used earlier in this laboratory, utilizes the steady-state, axial heat flow method. Included is a detailed discussion of the limitations of the apparatus, probable errors, and data analysis methods. Thermal conductivity, electrical resistivity, Lorenz ratio, and thermopower data are reported for several specimens of Armco iron for temperatures from 4 to 300 K. At low temperatures the electrical resistivity and thermal conductivity vary from specimen to specimen by more than 10 percent. However, the Lorenz ratios of these specimens differ by less than 2.5 percent; and the intrinsic resistivities calculated by using Matthiessen's rule differ by less than 0.5 percent of the total resistivities. Thus, Armco iron specimens can be used as standards by measuring the residual resistivities and utilizing the Lorenz ratio reported here.
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