Basal ganglia hemorrhagic ablation associated with temporary suppression of obsessive-compulsive symptoms Ablação hemorrágica dos gânglios da base associada temporalmente à supressão dos sintomas obsessivos-compulsivos

AbstractKeywordsResumoDescritores relato de caso ies, 10 and in the head of left caudate nucleus and the anteriorportions of the body of the lateral ventricle, compatible withputamen infarct. 11 Moreover, in the putamen, heads of the cau-date nuclei, and internal capsule 12 may cause 17 or aggravate OCD,as reported in bilateral BG lesions in adults. 14 Also a decreasedcerebral blood flow in the right BG after a right inferior parietalinfarct was reported. 15 In general, neuropsychiatric pathology ofGB is ample, and can be observed in other clinical conditionssuch as as in one case of Creutzfeld-Jakob disease; 16 hydroceph-alus; 17 and corpus callosum agenesia and hydrocephalus 18 to namea few. Others have identified OCD clinical symptoms related toanatomical structure damage located in different parts of thebrain. 19 Therefore, evidence supporting that OCD symptoms con-vey the results of a variety of lesions located in different parts ofthe brain or subcortical regions have been shown, i.e., the occu-pancy of cerebro-vascular accidents or tumors,
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