An In-School CD-ROM Asthma Education Program

ABSTRACT: Computer-based education in schools is nor novel. However, only a few computer games have been introduced intoSchool-based health education programs. This study describes inclusion of an asthma education space adventure gaine irttofourrh-grade classrooms. Using the gaine improved asthme knowledge in the intervention classes. Children in the active participation class-room gainedsigniftcantly more asthme knowiedge over the observation period compared ta the classroom that did not play thecomputer gaine. Knowledge gained was retained over a four-week period and the addition of physicien-ledtalks appearedta add littleto the knowledge gained. "Air Academy:TM The QuestforAirtopia" is an easyand successful cool for elementarygrade asthma-related health education in schools. (J Sch Health. 2000;70(4):153-159) A sthme, a common condition of childhood affecting upto 790 of children, is one of the most common reasonsfor School absences)-' Recent studies suggest that improvedcare, specifically use of long-term, anti-inflammatoryagents, might reduce morbidity and mortality from asthmeand enhance School attendance." As a chronic condition,asthma requires collaborative management by the child,family, and health care system! Such collaborative care ismost likely possible with children and familier that havereceived education regarding recognition and managementof asthme and its exacerbations.'Other work suggests many children with asthma may beundiagnosed for extended periods of time'- 'z A physiciendiagnosis of asthma is usually based on a patient or family-i nitiated contact, or through another health care cliniciensuch as a School nurse." Increasing general awareness ofthe symptoms of asthma and the possibility of successfultreatment might increase the number of symptomatic chil-dren who seek medical care, and thereby decrease asthmasick days.Children typically receive education in two major sites,home and School. Within the School curriculum, childrenreceive health education." Often these programs are aimedat an organ or organ system (lung or respiratory system),but not intended to target any certain conditions or diseasesand, therefore, are too general to taise awareness regardingspecific health problems. Health education programs aimedat specific common conditions do exist (drug, alcohol, andtobacco abuse) and are considered valuable."" While theseapproaches may serve as a model for other condition-specific health education programs for common problemssuch as asthma, few programs have been evaluated, andeven fewer are offered in CD-ROM format."
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