Analysis of diagonals in cross recurrence plots between heart rate and systolic blood pressure during supine position and active standing in healthy adults

The inter beat interval (IBI) duration and systolic blood pressure (SBP) are cardiovascular variables related through several feedback mechanisms. We propose the analysis of diagonal lines in cross recurrence plots (CRPs) from IBI and SBP embedded within the same phase space to identify events where trajectories of both variables concur. The aim of the study was to describe the relationship between IBI and SBP of healthy subjects using CRP and diagonal analysis during baseline condition—supine position (SP)—and how the relationship changes during the physiological stress of active standing (AS). IBI and SBP time series were obtained from continuous blood pressure recordings during SP and AS (15 min each) in 19 young healthy subjects. IBI and SBP time series were embedded within a five-dimensional phase space using an embedding delay estimated from cross correlation between IBI and SBP. During SP, mean CRP showed high determinism (≥85%) and also brief but repeated events where both variables stay within a ...
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