Statistical analyses of the background distribution of groundwater solutes, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico.

Background or baseline water chemistry data and information are required to distingu ish between contaminated and non-contaminated waters for environmental investigations conducted at Los Alamos National Laboratory (referred to as the Laboratory). The term 'background' refers to natural waters discharged by springs or penetrated by wells that have not been contaminated by LANL or other municipal or industrial activities, and that are representative of groundwater discharging from their respective aquifer material. These investigations are conducted as part of the Environmental Restoration (ER) Project, Groundwater Protection Program (GWPP), Laboratory Surveillance Program, the Hydrogeologic Workplan, and the Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement (SWEIS). This poster provides a comprehensive, validated database of inorganic, organic, stable isotope, and radionuclide analyses of up to 136 groundwater samples collected from 15 baseline springs and wells located in and around Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico. The region considered in this investigation extends from the western edge of the Jemez Mountains eastward to the Rio Grande and from Frijoles Canyon northward to Garcia Canyon. Figure 1 shows the fifteen stations sampled for this investigation. The sampling stations and associated aquifer types are summarized in Table 1.
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