Microfertilizing Sorghum and Pearl Millet in Mali Agronomic, Economic and Social Feasibility

Microfertilizing, consisting of applying small amounts of mineral fertilizer to the planting hole or pocket, was tested in Mali. Yields of sorghum increased by 34% and 52% compared with the control after applying 0.3 g of fertilizer per pocket for the years 2000 and 2001 respectively. For pearl millet, the corresponding yield increase was 48% and 67% for 2001 and 2003 respectively. Higher yield increases were observed when 6 g of fertilizer was applied per pocket than when 0.3 g of fertilizer was applied. The value–cost ratio varied from 3.4 to 11.9 in the 0.3 g treatment, and from 0.43 to 1.17 in the 6 g treatment. Application of 0.3 g of fertilizer appeals to farmers because of the good return on investment, low financial risk, low cash outlay and low workload required.
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