Microbial Degradation of Chlorophenolic Compounds

Chlorine-Based Aromatic Compounds (CBACs) and its numerous derivatives are referred to as Chlorophenols (CPs) as there consist of complex compounds of chlorine with other aromatics (benzene) and side chains such as nitrogen, amino group, alkyl group, etc. There are a group of environmental pollutants sourced from the released waste of numerous manmade activities. These compounds are recalcitrant in the environment, however, the diverse nature of microorganisms and their flexibility in metabolizing various chemicals has aided their application in the degradation of CBACs and derivatives for the generation of energy and carbon sources. This discussion emphasized on the application of various microbial groups including bacterial, fungi, actinomycetes, and yeast in the biodegradation of CBACs, the initial steps that occur before degradation of such aromatic chemicals occurs, the various mode or mechanism of action with the various enzymes required for the breakdown and the future of the application of both microbes and enzymes in the biodegradation of various recalcitrant compounds. The strategy is an implication for future environmental remediation as various chemical recalcitrant and emerging pollutants are being released from expanding human activities.
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