The next generation of laser spectroscopy experiments using light muonic atoms

Precision spectroscopy of light muonic atoms provides unique information about the atomic and nuclear structure of these systems and thus represents a way to access fundamental interactions, properties and constants. One application comprises the determination of absolute nuclear charge radii with unprecedented accuracy from measurements of the 2S$\,$-$\,$2P Lamb shift. Here, we review recent results of nuclear charge radii extracted from muonic hydrogen and helium spectroscopy and present experiment proposals to access light muonic atoms with $Z \geq 3$. In addition, our approaches towards a precise measurement of the Zemach radii in muonic hydrogen ($\mu$p) and helium ($\mu$$^{3}$He$^{+}$) are discussed. These results will provide new tests of bound-state quantum-electrodynamics in hydrogen-like systems and can be used as benchmarks for nuclear structure theories.
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