Skill Development is Meaningless without Adequate Job Creation: An Issue and Challenge

Skill development is a continuous process to improve knowledge, skills, attitude and social behaviour of human resources for doing a particular job. Skill is the ability to exercise one's knowledge on a particular job, whereas skill development fuels improvement of this ability. Here, implementing a particular skill on a particular job is very important because without practice, the ability wanes in sharpness very rapidly nixing skill development. The Union ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, has taken an initiative to develop a plethora of human resources, keeping in view the need for skilled manpower for the country as well as to develop skills among the huge population for rendering them employable and productive. India already spends $50 billion each year to step up human resources for adequate employment. Moreover, recently the Modi Government announced a plan for ‘Skill India’, under which many institutions will be inaugurated for skill development and training at operational level, supervisory level and also at managerial level. But unfortunately, no plans for adequate job creation were announced. This obliviously leads to agrave situation. Skill developmentwithout adequate job creation has no meaning. Therefore, both steps would have to be taken to develop skills and to increase adequate jobs. In fact, skill development and adequate job creation programme should be driven forward simultaneously.
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