Influence of the antioxidant status on the characteristics of lipids in tissues of animals after acute irradiation with sublethal doses

: The effect of the acute exposure to sublethal doses of X-rays on the interrelation between parameters of the lipid peroxidation regulatory system (lipid antioxidative activity, AOA; peroxide amount, lipid composition) was studied in liver, spleen and blood erythrocytes of CBA and SHK mice and rats within 1 month after irradiation. The reverse correlation between the lipid AOA values and the initial peroxide amount in lipids of the CBA mice spleen was found. The coefficient of the linear regression of this correlation for the exposed mice was 1.8-fold higher as compared with control. The correlative dependence between the ratio of the sums of the more readily to more poorly oxidizable phospholipid and the ratio of phosphatidyl choline to phosphatidyl ethanolamine content in phospholipids of liver and blood erythrocytes was revealed. The direction (the phospholipids of the rat liver) or the value of the linear regression coefficient of that correlation were different for groups of the exposed and control animals, especially in the blood erythrocytes. Thus, the different sensitivity of examined characteristics of lipids and the possibility of their normalization in the dependence on the lipid AOA value cause the conversion of the lipid peroxidation regulatory system in organs and blood erythrocytes of the exposed animals to the other scale of the functioning.
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