The Shield Beyond All words to Describe: Trifunctional Patterns Located on the Shield of Aeneas?

Analysis of the description by Virgil in the Aeneid of the Shield given by Venus to Aeneas reveals clear indications of trifunctional patterning. The poet describes ten separate panels on the Shield illustrated with events from Roman history and myth, each of which is usually divided into three distinct scenes. Many of the scenes can be interpreted as illustrations of separate Dumezilian functions, combining to give the complete panel a trifunctional effect. The trifunctionality of the Shield's composition, showing key episodes from Rome's past, arranged around three central panels depicting the battle of Actium and its aftermath, underlies the rectitude of Roman success in arms (Second Function), achieved by paying due respect to the gods (First Function) and by the historic impropriety of the alternative - being ruled by disparate, over-nurtured, oriental peoples (Third Function). Some of the panels also emphasize one or other of the functions in a combinatory. effect and there appear to be some references to the recently identified Fourth Function in positive and negative forms.
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