Oil and its position in the future of energy carriers taking into account supply and demand

By knowing energy carriers, human beings have made extensive efforts to extract and apply them in industry and economic development. These resources played an important role in the development of the industrial revolution, which led to the development of industry and technology, and global dependence on fossil fuels, especially oil, expanded rapidly in response to the need. With vast investments in alternative sources of renewable energy to address the crisis caused by the production and use of energy in terms of resource constraints and environmental threats, world life is affected by the need for energy and will be significantly dependent on fossil fuels in the future. The results of this paper indicate that use of oil and its derivatives is currently the first because of economic dependence of countries, and in the future, despite the constraints on resources, will play the most important role in global demand and supply. Keywords: Oil; energy; demand; supply References: World Energy Outlook, November 2013. Saghafi, M. (2009). Renewable energies. Tehran University, Tehran. Heidari, SH. (2009). Energy Planning in Iran. Institute of Publications, University of Tehran. Energy Balance Sheet (2014). Ministry of Power. Deputy of Electricity and Energy Affairs. Office of Planning for Electricity and Energy. Bahman Brokerage Company (Joint Stock Company): A comprehensive analysis of oil industry in the world. Bahman Investment Services, 2011 West Texas Research Group, October 2011. BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2011. OPEC Monthly Report, November 2011. OPEC's Long-term Perspective on the World Oil Economy, 2011.
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