Usefulness of the Diagnosis “Decreased Cardiac Output (00029)” in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure

OBJECTIVE To determine the clinical and construct validity of the nursing diagnosis “decreased cardiac output” (DCO) in patients with chronic heart failure. METHODS Cross-sectional study. RESULTS A total of 200 people were studied. The defining characteristics with the highest prevalence were as follows: arrhythmia (62.5%) and fatigue (61.5%). Adjustment measures such as infit and outfit were maintained between 0.50 and 1.56 and the total variance explained by the measures was 29.3%. CONCLUSIONS This study determined the clinical validity of the nursing diagnosis DCO. Regarding construct validity, adjustment of the defining characteristics to the Rasch model was observed. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE This study improves the evidence-based practice of nursing and strengthened the role of the nurse who leads care to this population. OBJETIVO Determinar la validez clinica y de constructo del diagnostico de enfermeria “Disminucion del Gasto Cardiaco” en pacientes con falla cardiaca cronica. METODOS Estudio de corte transversal. RESULTADOS Un total de 200 pacientes fueron estudiados. Las caracteristicas definitorias con las mayores prevalencias fueron: arritmia (62.5%) y fatiga (61.5%). Medidas de ajuste como el infit y outfit se mantuvieron entre 0.50 y 1.56. El total de la varianza explicada por las medidas fue de 29.3%. CONCLUSIONES Este estudio determino la validez clinica del diagnostico de enfermeria “Disminucion del Gasto Cardiaco”. En cuanto a la validez de constructo, se observo que 19 de las 21 caracteristicas definitorias se ajustaron al modelo Rasch. IMPLICACIONES PARA LA PRACTICA DE ENFERMERIA Este estudio mejora la practica basada en la evidencia de enfermeria y fortalece el rol de las enfermeras que lideran el cuidado en esta poblacion.
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