Examen de salud de niños de la República Árabe Saharaui Democrática (noroeste de África) de vacaciones en España

Objective: We present results of a global health evaluation of groups of children from the Democratic Sahara Republic who came to Spain for vacation. Patients and methods: Clinical and analytical tests of 242 Sahara children from refugee camps in Tindouf (Algeria) that were adopted temporarily by Spanish families between July 1993 and July 1997 are reported. We have used standard groups graphics from the World Health Organization. Results: The results were as follows: sex, 53% girls; mean age, 11.1±1.6 years and age range, 7-16 years (mode 11). Sixty percent of the children had a weight lower than the 10th percentile and 28% less than the 3rd percentile. Fifty-one percent of the children had a height lower than the 10th percentile and 32% less than the 3rd percentile. The corporal mass was lower than the 10th percentile in 19% and less than the 3rd percentile in 8%. The mean hemoglobin was 12.7±1.2 gr/dl (17% Hb 9mm was found in 5%. Other pathologies included: 5 kyphoscoliosis, 2 cardiopathies, 2 poliomyelitis sequels, 1 gastric ulcer, 1 epilepsy, 1 spherocytosis and 1 euthyroid goiter. Those with weight in p<3 and/or functional murmur had Hb<12 in 61% of the cases and Fe<40 in 48%. Conclusions: Anamnesis is difficult because of ignorance of the pathological antecedents and date of birth. For physical exploration and collection of parasites they were extremely modest. Feeding and conditions of life would explain low weight and height percentiles, ferropenic anemia and intestinal parasite rates. It would be better to give anti-parasite drugs and systematic ferroprofilaxis as routine and perform blood tests only in those with weight p<3.
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