Nanoscale ZnO-based photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy

Abstract Due to the ability to induce the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) under light irradiation, ZnO nanoparticles show great potential in photodynamic therapy (PDT). Photo-triggered ROS production by ZnO nanoparticles and the resulting phototoxicity are efficient in killing cancer cells. This review highlights the recent exciting progress on the nanoscale ZnO-based photosensitizers (PSs) for PDT. Both the semplice ZnO nanoparticles as the PSs and the various chemicals (organic PS, dopant, metal and chemotherapeutic drugs) modified ZnO nanoparticles as the PSs show good ROS generation efficiency. The productive rate of ROS, the wavelength of exciting lights, and the therapeutic effect can be altered by doping different chemicals into ZnO nanoparticles at will. Additionally, we give some outlook on the design and functionalization of next-generation ZnO nanoparticles for more effective anti-cancer applications.
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