Distribusi Jenis Batu Ginjal pada Penderita Urolithiasis serta Hubungannya dengan Jenis Kelamin dan Usia

Insiden urolitiasis di Jakarta meningkat setiap tahun dari 2016 - 2019, namun distribusi komposisi batu pada penderita urolithiasis serta hubungan distribusi komposisi batu ginjal dengan jenis kelamin dan usia belum diketahui. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui karakteristik komposisi batu ginjal dan hubungan batu ginjal dengan jenis kelamin dan usia. Penelitian cross-sectional ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Biokimia dan Biologi Molekuler Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia menggunakan 160 sampel data hasil laboratorium analisis komposisi batu ginjal. Data dianalisis dengan SPPS tipe 20, setelah itu dilakukan uji chi square untuk mengetahui hubungan antara jenis kelamin dan usia terhadap komposisi batu ginjal. Uji Mann Whitney dilakukan pada data yang tidak memenuhi syarat untuk uji chisquare. Batu ginjal terbanyak terdapot pada laki – laki dibandingkan perempuan dengan perbandingan (3:1) dan batu ginjal terbanyak pada kelompok usia 45 – 64 tahun (49,4%). Komposisi jenis batu ginjal terbanyak adalah campuran kalsium, oksalat, karbonat, amonia. Terdapat hubungan komposisi batu ginjal dengan jenis kelamin (p<0,05) untuk komposisi kalsium, amonia dan magnesium. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara usia terhadap komposisi batu ginjal. Disimpulkan komposisi batu ginjal terbanyak adalah oksalat. Terdapat hubungan antara komposisi batu ginjal dengan jenis kelamin namun tidak berhubungan dengan usia. Distribution of Kidney Stones Type in Urolithiasis Patients: Association with Gender and Age The incidence of urolithiasis in Jakarta has increased every year from 2016 to 2019. However, the distribution of stone composition in urolithiasis patients and the relationship between the distribution of kidney stone composition with gender and age is unknown. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of kidney stones’ composition and the relationship of kidney stones with gender and age. This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia. The data were collected from the laboratory result of 160 samples of kidney stone composition analysis. Data were analyzed using SPPS ver. 20, additionally, the chi-square test was performed to determine the relationship between sex and age on kidney stones’ composition. The Mann-Whitney test was performed on data that did not meet the requirements for the Chi-square test. Most kidney stones were found in males than females (3: 1) and the most kidney stones were in the 45-64 years age group (49.4%). Most types of kidney stones are a mixture of calcium, oxalate, carbonate, ammonia. There was a relationship between the composition of kidney stones and gender (p <0.05) for the composition of calcium, ammonia, and magnesium. There is no relationship between age and the composition of kidney stones. It is concluded that the composition of most kidney stones is oxalate. There is a relationship between the composition of kidney stones and gender. However, there is no relationship between the composition of kidney stones and age.
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