Clinical experience with native GnRH therapy to hasten follicular development and first ovulation of the breeding season

Abstract Breeding records of 48 Thoroughbred and Standardbred mares treated with native GnRH (500μg im, bid) during February—April, 1999 or 2000, on 7 farms in central Kentucky were retrospectively examined. Treated mares were classified as being in anestrus or early transition (n=42; if no signs of estrus occurred within 31/2 weeks and the largest follicle remained ≤25 mm in diameter or the first larger follicle(s) of the season regressed without ovulating), or were classified as being in late transition (n=6; if follicular growth achieved 30-40 mm diameter but ovulation had not yet occurred during the breeding season). Thirty-eight mares (38/48; 79%) ovulated in 13.7 ± 7.4 days. Interval to ovulation was negatively associated with size of follicles at onset of native GnRH therapy (P 0.10). Additional treatment with either hCG or Ovuplant™ did not alter mean follicle size at ovulation or interovulatory interval (P > 0.10). The proportion of interovulatory intervals > 25 days was not different between mares receiving no additional treatment to induce ovulation (0/4; 0%) compared to mares receiving hCG to induce ovulation (3/8; 38%) (P > 0.10), but the proportion of interovulatory intervals > 25 days was greater for mares receiving Ovuplant™ to induce ovulation (5/7; 71%) compared to mares receiving no additional treatment to induce ovulation (P 25 days) did not differ between mares with follicles 15 mm diameter (3/11, 27%) at onset of native GnRH treatment (P > 0.10). While concurrent untreated controls were not used in this study, the 79% response rate to twice daily administration of native GnRH is in agreement with other reports using pulsatile or constant infusion as methods of administration, confirming therapy can hasten follicular development and first ovulation of the breeding season. As with previous reports, follicle size at onset of treatment is an important determinant of interval from onset of native GnRH therapy to ovulation. Use of hCG or Ovuplant™ did not enhance ovulatory response in native GnRH treated mares. Use of Ovuplant™ during native GnRH therapy may increase the incidence of post-treatment anestrus in mares not becoming pregnant.
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