An ALMA view of 11 dusty star-forming galaxies at the peak of cosmic star formation history

We present the ALMA view of 11 main-sequence DSFGs, (sub-)millimeter selected in the GOODS-S field, and spectroscopically confirmed to be at the peak of Cosmic SFH (z = 2-3). Our study combines the analysis of galaxy SED with ALMA continuum and CO spectral emission, by using ALMA Science Archive products at the highest spatial resolution currently available for our sample (< 1 arcsec). We include galaxy multi-band images and photometry (in the optical, radio and X-rays) to investigate the interlink between dusty, gaseous and stellar components and the eventual presence of AGN. We use multi-band sizes and morphologies to gain an insight on the processes that lead galaxy evolution, e.g. gas condensation, star formation, AGN feedback. The 11 DSFGs are very compact in the (sub-)millimeter (median r(ALMA) = 1.15 kpc), while the optical emission extends tolarger radii (median r(H)/r(ALMA) = 2.05). CO lines reveal the presence of a rotating disc of molecular gas, but we can not exclude either the presence of interactions and/or molecular outflows. Images at higher (spectral and spatial) resolution are needed to disentangle from the possible scenarios. Most of the galaxies are caught in the compaction phase, when gas cools and falls into galaxy centre, fuelling the dusty burst of star formation and the growing nucleus. We expect these DSFGs to be the high-zstar-forming counterparts of massive quiescent galaxies. Some features of CO emission in three galaxies are suggestive of forthcoming/ongoing AGN feedback, that is thought to trigger the morphological transition from star-forming disks to ETGs.
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