A multicenter study on experience of 13 tertiary hospitals in Turkey in patients with infective endocarditis

: AMAC: Bu cok merkezli geriye donuk calismada Turkiye’de infektif endokarditin klinik ve mikrobiyolojik ozellikleri, ekokardiyografik bulgulari ve tedavi stratejisinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. YONTEMLER: Calismaya alinan grup 2005-2012 tarihleri arasinda Turkiye’de 13 merkezde infektif endokardit tedavisi alan, retrospektif olarak 248 hastayi icermektedir. Tum merkezler cevre hastanelerden hasta kabul eden ucuncu basamak hastaneler idi. Veriler, modifiye Duke kriterlerine gore infektif endokardit tanisi ile yatirilan hastalarin arsiv bilgilerinden alinmistir. METHODS: The study population consisted of 248 Turkish patients with IE treated at 13 major hospitals in Turkey from 2005 to 2012 retrospectively. All hospitals are tertiary referral centers, which receive patients from surrounding hospitals. Data were collected from the medical files of all patients hospitalized with IE diagnosed according to modified Duke Criteria. RESULTS: One hundred thirty seven of the patients were males. Native valves were involved in 158 patients while in 75 participants there was prosthetic valve endocarditis. Vegetations were detected in 223 patients (89%) and 52 patients had multiple vegetations. Mitral valve was the most common site of vegetation (43%). The most common valvular pathology was mitral regurgitation. The most common predisposing factor was rheumatic valvular disease (28%). Positive culture rate was 65%. Staphylococci were the most frequent causative microorganisms isolated (29%) followed by enterococci (11%). In-hospital mortality rate was 33%. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to IE in developed countries younger age, higher prevalence of rheumatic heart disease, more frequent enterococci infection and higher rates of culture negativity were other important aspects of IE epidemiology in Turkey.
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