Using meteorological measurements from different sources to evaluate the human comfort in urban area

Climate change affects the thermal and human comfort in urban areas. This is more evident in equatorial towns that have experienced, in the last decades, of an increase of air temperature which, acting together with the increasing of the rain rate, generates a strong deterioration of the human comfort. The characterization of the urban heat island is one of the most important points in the agenda of the Research Centers, as well as of the Weather Services of the Nations located in the equatorial area. The Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral (Ecuador), jointly with the Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Hidrologia (INAMHI - Ecuador) and with the Politecnico di Torino and the Universita di Torino (Italy), started a project devoted to the analysis of the thermal comfort in the Guayaquil urban area. The research is funded by the Secretaria de Educacion Superior, Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion (SENESCYT - Ecuador) in the context of the PROMETEO project. The preliminary results of this research show us how, to better describe the thermal comfort in the urban area, it is important to have available the meteorological parameters measured by a meso-network of Automatic Weather Stations. The elaboration of these measures with the Universal Thermal Climate Indices, like the PMV and the PET, provide a detailed analysis of the thermal comfort and of the related human comfort in the urban area. The results of this analysis are to be evaluated jointly with the aerological measurements and with the remote sensing images to characterize correctly the urban heat island
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