Quantitation of Protein Adducts of Aristolochic Acid I by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry: A Novel Method for Biomonitoring Aristolochic Acid Exposure.

Emerging evidence suggests that chronic exposure to aristolochic acids (AAs) is one of the etiological pathways leading to chronic kidney disease (CKD). Due to the traditional practice of herbal medicine and AA-containing plants being used extensively as medicinal herbs, over 100 million East Asians are estimated to be at risk of AA poisoning. Given that the chronic nephrotoxicity of AAs only manifests itself after decades of exposure, early diagnosis of AA exposure could allow for timely intervention and disease risk reduction. However, an early detection method is not yet available, and diagnosis can only be established at the end stage of CKD. The goal of this study was to develop a highly sensitive and selective method to quantitate protein adducts of aristolochic acid I (AAI) as a biomarker of AA exposure. The method entails the release of protein-bound aristolactam I (ALI) by heat-assisted alkaline hydrolysis, extraction of ALI, addition of internal standard, and quantitation by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric analysis. Accuracy and precision of the method were critically evaluated using a synthetic ALI-containing glutathione adduct. The validated method was subsequently used to detect dose-dependent formation of ALI-protein adducts in human serum albumin exposed to AAI and in proteins isolated from the tissues and sera of AAI-exposed rats. Our time-dependent study showed that ALI-protein adducts remained detectable in rats even at 28 days postdosing. It is anticipated that the developed method will fill the technical gap in diagnosing AA intoxication and facilitate the biomonitoring of human exposures to AAs.
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