Attempted Suicidal hanging leading to Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy

Suicidal hanging is an act of intentionally killing oneself through suspension from an anchor point by a ligature. It is a widely practiced suicidal method in all cultures and has a very effective killing potential with a mortality of 80 percent. It has been practiced since prehistoric times. Hanging can also be homicidal and has to be differentiated from suicidal hanging and this differentiation has wide medico legal implications in all countries. Hangings can be classified as either complete or incomplete. When the whole body hangs off the ground and the entire weight of the victim is suspended at the neck, the hanging is said to be complete. Incomplete hangings imply that some part of the body is touching the ground and that the weight of the victim is not fully supported by the neck. Hangings may also be classified by intent (eg, homicidal, suicidal, autoerotic, accidental). Pathophysiology of hanging involves venous obstruction , arterial obstruction , vagal stimulation , spinal cord injury . Airway obstruction is not thought to play a very important role.
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