Building a Database of 4D Movie Clips Eliciting Affect/Emotions

4D movie theaters provide a movie with various effects such as chair movements, vibrations, winds, and scents so that the audience can get more immersed in the movie. To examine affective/emotional responses of 4D movie audiences, movie clips that could elicit affective/emotional perception and empathy are needed. Although databases (DBs) of movie clips eliciting emotion have been built, they were made without considering characteristics of 4D movies. This study evaluated major discrete affect/emotions of 4D movies and made a DB of 4D movie clips eliciting affect/emotions. Based on the developed DB, this study identified the discrete affect/emotions mainly expressed in 4D movies and scenes where motion effects could be provided. The results of this study are expected to be useful for making 4D movies and conducting future affect/emotion studies.
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