Necròpolis, tombes i difunts. Anàlisi de les estratègies funeràries a la costa central catalana entre el bronze final i l’ibèric ple

catalaAquest treball preten comparar les dinamiques funeraries a l’area central del litoral i prelitoral catala (comarques del Valles Occidental, Valles Oriental, Maresme, Barcelones i Baix Llobregat, totes elles a la provincia de Barcelona) entre el bronze final i l’iberic ple. Realitzem una analisi diacronica de les necropolis d’incineracio, tot centrant-nos en aspectes com els seus contextos territorials, la seva organitzacio interna, les caracteristiques estructurals de les tombes i la natura dels diposits, amb l’objectiu de reconeixer quins canvis i quines continuitats varen experimentar aquestes societats al llarg del temps. EnglishThe aim of this research is to compare the funerary behavior dynamics in the central area of the Catalan littoral and its surroundings (Valles Occidental, Valles Oriental, Maresme, Barcelones and Baix Llobregat regions -all of them located in the province of Barcelona-) between the Late Bronze Age and the Iberian period. We practice a diachronic analysis of the incineration cemeteries, focusing our attention on some topics such as their territorial contexts, inner organization and the burial structure characteristics. The object is to break through the changes and continuities that were experienced by these societies over time.
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