Water-level Control in Developed Wetlands

A body warmer adapted to be either removably secured to a rattan chair or the like or to a cushion secured to the chair. In one form of the invention, the body warmer has a sleeve at its upper back portion which is slipped over the top of the chair. In another form of the invention, the cushion is secured to the chair and snaps interconnect the body warmer with the cushion. In still another form of the invention, the body warmer includes additional cushioning material in the back portion thereof so that a cushion is not needed. In still another form of the invention, the body warmer is detachably connected to the cushion by means of snaps and also has a sleeve at its upper rearward portion which is slipped over the top of the chair. A foot warmer portion is removably secured to the lower end of the body warmer adapted to receive the feet of the person utilizing the body warmer.
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