Estudo Radiológico da Dispersão de Diferentes Volumes de Anestésico Local no Bloqueio de Plexo Braquial pela Via Posterior * Radiological Evaluation of the Spread of Different Local Anesthetic Volumes during Posterior Brachial Plexus Block

SUMMARY Cruvinel MGC, Castro CHV, Silva YP, Franca FO, Lago F - Ra-diological Evaluation of the Spread of Different Local Anesthe-tic Volumes during Posterior Brachial Plexus Block BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES : Local anesthetic spreadduring interscalenic block has been thoroughly studied, how-ever there are few studies on posterior block. This study aimedat evaluating the spread of different local anesthetic volumesduringposteriorbrachialplexusblockusingcontrastedX-rays. METHODS : Participated in this study 16 patients submitted toposterior brachial plexus block, 15 of whom were randomly di-vided in three groups of five patients: Group 1: 20 mL; Group 2:30mL.;Group340mL.Thevolumeof10mLwasstudiedinonepatientsubmittedtocontinuousposteriorbrachialplexusblock.All patients received 0.375% ropivacaine associated to ra-dio-opaque solution. X-rays of the cervical region were ob-tained immediately after blockade that were evaluated bythermal sensitivity using cotton soaked in alcohol 30 minutesafter being performed and in the PACU.
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